So, I wish we would have been commanded to build an ark! Last week we had a flood... in our house... The magic toilet fairy came in the middle of the night to deliver a magically delicious toilet water flood in our upstairs bedrooms, hallway, and bath. Of course the lower floors were sadly mistaken if they thought they could get away without damage, so it happened that the "cut downers" visited our house, after I had my panic attack. They cut out anything that got wet, including the garage ceiling and walls. Our raincoats were safe though, I mean, they are rain coats, and were hanging in the closet downstairs; they probably enjoyed being useful for once.
Well, after it was all said and done and we withstood the Spanish inquisition from the insurance company as to why we had the flood in the first place, the house dried rather quickly (thank you desert) and now we are ready to begin reconstruction.
BUT first, I will unveil the culprit of the entire affair.... Yes, it was the evil emperor from Star Wars! He spun to his watery death and is now decapitated due to this horrible fate. I found him on my kitchen counter when I got home, and incase you are wondering, NO, I really don't know who would put him on my kitchen counter after where he had been (I won't name names). Either way, at least the kids could laugh about the fact that we can blame the flood on him.
To spare innocent readers, I will not reveal the grueling details of how the Emperor got there in the first place, and it will remain....well... a mystery!